Saturday, August 30, 2008

La Terraza del Norte Express

La Terraza del Norte Express; an outstanding family restaurant located in Emiliano Zapata Norte just 30 meters off the Prolongation de Montejo on Calle 37 has 28 commendable years of neighborhood service.
Actually two brothers have two restaurants adjoining, Terraza del Norte, (at the corner of Calle 37 and the Prolongation de Montejo), and Terraza del Norte Express, (specializing in carry out and home delivery).
My wife Jane and I have been patronizing this family owned and operated business that actually boasts their own turkey ranch since 1982 when it was just about the only eatery in this part of town and the adjacent street was only a walking path in the woods.

Our long time friend and neighbor, José Antonio Canché Medina is the hands-on owner of the La Terraza del Norte Express and he has kept the same loyal kitchen crew all this time.

Wholesome hardy typical Yucatecan cooking is prepared here daily. They start serving at 7 PM and if you come late they may be sold out because their policy is fresh every day.

Check out the generous sized portions, on the left are white meat panuchos and the right are dark meat salbutes, both turkey dishes are typical Yucatecan.
The green liquefied sauce is habanero and it has “extra potencia”, so use caution!
Their wholesome menu of drinks includes fresh made horchata, Jamaica and lemonada, plus try the old-time traditional chocolate drink of Yucatan that is actually made from untainted natural ingredients and you will definitely go out of your way to find more, “Soldado de Chocolate” with its distinctive little toy soldiers on the label that says; “Agitame!” or shake me up. Pino Negro from the same company is another old favorite unique to Yucatan whose flavor lends itself well to mixed drinks with lime and rum…you really don’t know Yucatan until you have sampled these traditional beverages.

Above is the time tested menu, almost identical to their original dating back 28 years, the only things changed are the prices.
We have friends that will drive all the way across town to make the purchase of these world-class tamales and vaporcitos. The caldo is worth the trip also but better eaten in-house.
This is an inconspicuous local community place, well worth the effort to find that is only a short walk from our home and the employees are all our neighbors. This young cashier lady above is the owner’s daughter

By your second visit to La Terraza del Norte Express, the owner José will be greeting you like a regular and your order will be remembered by friendly and efficient Raul, (right).
Their business card promotes home delivery…just how far that goes , you will have to ask, 944-97-17 or 944-97-18.

This is the real Yucatan with the Soldado de Chocolate truck parked in front of La Terraza del Norte Express for deliveries.
The gate with the competitors logo doesn’t open until 7 PM.

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