Tuesday, May 19, 2009


en español
Half way between the city of Mérida and the coastal port town of Progreso in the little unassuming village of Xcunyá is located a relatively new experimental ecological park Áak.
In just three years of existence the experimental station has done wondrous things. This non-governmental operation is proving a point that life can indeed go on without being plugged into the electrical grid and get along quite well living without polluting the environment.
This group excursion was sponsored by “Mérida Verde” or green Mérida and coordinated by George Ann Huck, at left in this photo.
We had the opportunity to partake of an informative three hour guided tour and discussion.
The object of this experimental station is to incorporate the ancient Mayan agriculture, herbal medicinal plants, and the propagation of native flora and fauna with modern space-age technology in an eco-friendly environment.
Our guide Carlos Ancona Valdez, in the blue shirt, shares his vast knowledge with us.
This was a learning experience for all, filled with innovative and ingenious uses for alternative energy.
From wind powered watering to positively faultless sewage disposal, this place has covered the bases with eco-friendly solutions.
The experimental station has as one of its objectives to get the entire community involved with clean environmentally friendly use of the planet and they are focusing on the young.
Electricity from wind and solar power converge here in the control room to be stored, transmitted and converted from direct current into alternating current so that all household needs can be met.
Like a breath of fresh air this experimental station is demonstrating clean energy use.
In just three years indigenous fruit abounds and that gives a ray of hope for the future.
The old and the new way of Mayan agriculture are combined with re-cycling thrown in. The ancient Maya used a system of kitchen garden called ka’anché that employed a raised biodegradable platform made of poles and filled with dirt.
Here is what has evolved at the experimental station; discarded items that would otherwise go to the land-fill are used in a modern-day innovation of the Mayan ka’anché.
This is basic physics pressed into utilizable action.
Here you have a contraption that resembles some kind of a goofy pin-ball machine.
Well, using the suns penetrating tropical heat this thing thermo-siphons hot air from the left hand side over to the right where the “chimney effect” sends the hot air up past the trays of fruit and herbs. It is a solar dehydrator and is very functional. The dried grapes were a sensation! Oregano and other leafy things nearly dry before your eyes.
The group all enjoyed this ingenious look at alternatives to fossil fuel consumption.
Just like magic this solar oven uses mirrors and no smoke.
These people were not selling anything, but just promoting a cleaner way to live on this planet…”off the grid!”

Saturday is open-house from 9 AM until 1 PM.

For more information on alternative energy: contact Yaaxtec, www.yaaxtec.com
tel. Mérida 999 195650 Carlos Buenfil Mañé

For more information on Áak:
Ciencia Social Alternativa, A.C.; office phone is; (999)195 6513

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